September represents for many people the end of the holiday break. Coming back home after being travelling and having to resume our jobs or go back to school might be depressing. However, it’s also an excellent opportunity to decluter our home and mind and start new projects. So, I wanted to kick off this month with a homey September monthly cover atmosphere.
The things that make me feel most at home are my plants. Even though I am not an expert, plants grow happily in our apartment thanks, probably, to the good natural sunlight. I’ve planted some aromatic herbs and some decorative geraniums and roses in our balcony and they’re thriving. I also have a curious collection of cacti and succulents with different forms and characteristics on some pots. The warm weather and the intense sunlight make this spot a perfect place for them.
Unexpectedly, I’ve also included a cat in this September monthly cover. You would be wondering why is this unexpected? Because just yesterday we adopted a cute kitten and I was willing to draw her and show off how adorable is she. She sleeps the most part of the day but she also enjoys playing and jumping. In the end, it’s a kitten.
How about you? Are you a plant lover or you fail miserably on taking care of them? They say some people have a special touch for plants, do you agree? Although having grown succesfully some plants I have also a long history of accidentally killing plants. My excuse is that they, presumably, didn’t like our home but it might be another explanation (obviously my fault).
If you’ve liked this free printable, download it HERE. I will continue posting montly covers for our bullet journal until the end of the year. If you think it’s useful for you, let me know and maybe I’ll keep creating these covers.
Have a nice day!